Lisaks firmadele saavad arvetega petta ka eraisikud, kes proovivad tulu saada investeerimisega. Selliseid pettusi iseloomustab tasuta emaili kasutamine, kus saatja kirjutab või vastust soovitakse tasuta e-maile, näiteks kontole.
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
From: “Jean Paul Wanzou”<[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020
I represent a wealthy retired politician , that wish to move cash fund
abroad urgently and needs a reliable person who can travel and claim
the fund, then invest it in a good way, in foreign investment.
He is also currently seeking for means of expanding and relocating
his business interest abroad, in the following sectors: oil/Gas, real
estate, construction, stock, mining, transportation, health sector,
tobacco, Communication Services, Agriculture or any other viable
If you think you have a solid background and idea of making good
profit in any of the mentioned business sectors or any other business
in your country, please let me have a brief description of your nature
of business/professional experiences alongside your registered
business name/phone number and physical address, in a returned email
so we can discuss further, then MOU agreement will be send to you
to sign.
Jean Paul Wanzou.
Mobile / Whats-app Line: + 447734493260.
Email: [email protected]
Kuidas toimub investeerimise pettus? Väidetavalt on kusagil raha, mida tahetakse kätte saada ja seda investeerida. Selleks tuleb teha kulutusi, näiteks dokumentide õigsuse tõendamine, tasu advokaadile või pankurile, jne. Pettus seisnebki selliste tasude küsimises neilt inimestelt, kes vastavad sellisele kontole.
PS. pöörake tähelepanu, et kirja saatja kasutab erinevaid aadresse ja kirjas sisaldub kolmas tasuta aadress.